Kids running

Ways to partner with us:

  • Donate funds
  • Volunteer to pack/drive
  • Have a Food Drive for specific BakPak items

For a tax deductible receipt, make checks payable to:


Put “BakPak Program” in the memo line at the bottom of your check.

and mail to:

10316 W. Bowles Avenue

Littleton, CO 80127

What Thankful Parents Say:

I had been unemployed until last week. This has been a lifesaver.”

Our son gets food thoughout the day instead of just dinner.”

My son likes the variety instead of eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches or cereal over and over again.”

With money being tight, this food helps with our grocery bill.”

I live paycheck to paycheck. When child support doesn’t come (which happens a lot), I have to choose between paying a bill or buying food.”